1. What is an implant?
When you miss natural teeth, you can place an artificial metal root
(Titanium) into the jawbone. Crowns, bridges or dentures are fixed on
top of the implants. Dental implants allow people to be able to smile,
speak and chew comfortably again.
2. Individual / Single implants
Single implants allow us to substitute missing teeth or teeth that
cannot be saved. The traditional way to solve this problem is to reduce
teeth and place a bridge. But thanks to dental implants, we can now
replace missing teeth without touching the neighbour tooth. This
treatment has an excellent aesthetic result.
3. Bridge
This is a solution when you miss more than one
tooth. In these cases, a fixed bridge on top of several implants is a
very good alternative to conventional treatment.
- Excellent aesthetic
- No metal hooks
- Not removable
- No teeth reduction
When all teeth are missing:
If you have lost all your teeth in one or both jaws, you will have basically two treatment options:
1) A full denture
2) Implant treatment
In some cases full
dentures are a reasonable solution, but when time goes by the bone
resources and the denture does not fit like it used to do. There are
also people that cannot tolerate a full denture because of
psychological or social reasons. For those people implants are an
alternative, because it gives you the feeling of having your own teeth
4. Barr
This is a removable denture over a metal Barr that is fixed to the
implants. This will retain the denture from the inside. As a rule you
need 3 or 4 implants in the upper jaw and 2 or 3 implants in the lower
jaw. This may off course vary on each patient.
5. Complete denture over implants
A full acrylic denture over a metallic structure is fixed (screwed) to
the implants. It is important to remind you that you cannot remove this
acrylic denture yourself. Only a dentist with the right equipment can
do so.
With this treatment we replace a full removable denture for a fixed
denture with implants. In this case a minimum of 6 implants in the
upper and 5 in the lower jaw is necessary.
6. Individualized implants
This is the best alternative you can get if you have lost several or
all your teeth. We replace every lost tooth by several implants. We can
individualise them, like shape, colour, etc, so they look like real
teeth coming out of the gums.
In this case a minimum of 8 implants in the upper and 8 in the lower jaw is necessary.
7. NobelGuide™ or implants in one hour
NobelGuide™ is a revolutionary treatment planning and surgical
implementation system. It is a fast and gentle treatment system
resulting in beautiful teeth now. A computer simulation gives the
dentist the tools to plan a minimal invasive surgery. This reduces the
time and trauma for the patient. The NobelGuide™ concept is applicable
on every patient indication, from a single missing tooth to partially
or fully edentulous jaws. With NobelGuide™ you will know the position
of the implants prior to surgery, necessary to create and deliver
Beautiful Teeth Now™.
For more information, you may click into the following website: www.nobelbiocare.com
8. ALL-ON-4
This technique was first developed by Paul Malo. We place 4 implants
and fix a denture onto it the same day of the surgery. So you leave the
clinic with fixed teeth.
After 6-12 months you may change the denture to a more permanent one with a metal basis.
9. Sinus lift
A sinus lift is done when there is not enough bone in the upper jaw in
order to place dental implants. We add bone to this area in order to
create bone for the implants. We lift the membrane of the sinus and
fill it up.
10. Bone distraction
When the bone is too thin, we can make it wider with certain instruments until the bone is wide enough to place the implant.
11. Ridge augmentation
This is a procedure that we put bone where it is needed when there is
not enough available. This can be either your own bone or artificial
12. Sinus lift.